How to Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient

No matter if your goal is reducing energy bills or making an environmental commitment, there are numerous strategies available to you for making your home more energy-efficient.

Appliances make up an enormous portion of energy consumption in any home, so choosing eco-friendly models could save money over time. Making simple changes to daily habits that will reap dividends will also bring big dividends over time.

Install a Smart Thermostat

Installing a smart thermostat is one of the best ways to make your home more energy-efficient, helping save you money on heating and cooling costs while fitting into your daily schedule. By automatically adjusting the temperature accordingly, this device can ensure you remain at an ideal temperature throughout each season.

These thermostats also include an app that allows you to remotely manage the temperature from anywhere around the world, making it simple and cost-effective to reduce heating consumption while away or asleep, saving up to 15 percent on annual energy costs.

Insulate Your Attic

Attic insulation is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to make your home more energy efficient. Properly insulated attics prevent warm air from escaping while cool air enters – saving money on heating and cooling costs in turn.

Insulation plays an integral part in protecting against ice damming, which can cause extensive structural damage to your home’s infrastructure, and it also protects roofs from overheating which causes water damage.

Install Energy-Efficient Windows and Doors

Energy-efficient windows and doors help keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer, as well as helping prevent air leakage.

Old windows and doors allow a lot of heat to escape your home, increasing energy costs while making it hard for you to maintain an ideal temperature in your living environment.

Installing energy-efficient windows and doors will save money on your yearly energy bills, as well as make controlling temperature easier in your home.

Switch to LED or CFL Light Bulbs

Switching your home over to LED or CFL light bulbs is one of the best ways to increase energy efficiency, saving both time and money in the process. LED and CFL bulbs use significantly less electricity and last much longer, saving money over time.

These new light bulbs feature long lifespans and do not contain hazardous materials such as mercury that could pose health concerns. Furthermore, they don’t get hot to the touch.

Air-Dry Your Dishes

Air-drying your dishes and utensils will save money over time while simultaneously being an effective means of keeping your kitchen free from germs.

Choose the most cost-efficient method when it comes to dish racks with multiple drying slots or your dishwasher’s sanitizing cycle, whether that means using an energy efficient rack with multiple drying slots or choosing to use its sanitizing cycle, as doing so can lower both energy bills and carbon emissions.

Purchase Energy-Efficient Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances can help lower utility costs while contributing to environmental conservation. Though energy-efficient models may cost more up-front, over time you could actually save money through reduced utility expenses and decreased environmental waste.

Many states are also offering rebates to encourage homeowners to purchase energy-efficient appliances, which can represent significant savings on energy bills – especially considering monthly charges such as electricity or gas usage.

When shopping for new appliances, look for models marked ENERGY STAR and use their yellow EnergyGuide labels to compare costs and understand what size, model and estimated energy consumption you are purchasing. They also give information regarding size, model and operating costs on an annual basis.