The Benefits of Using Essential Oils in Your Bedroom

Adding essential oils to your bedroom can help lull you to sleep at night and neutralize home odors. But that’s just one of many ways you can use them to scent your space.

Spritz some lavender, Roman chamomile or ylang ylang on your pillow to enjoy its relaxing and calming effects. Or diffuse frankincense to boost your mood and give you that natural aphrodisiac effect.

Calming Effect

Using essential oils to scent your bedroom can help to create a calming atmosphere that will prepare you for sleep. You can use an aromatherapy diffuser in your room to disperse the oil’s vapors into the air, or you can apply the oils directly onto your skin after a shower or bath.

Lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang are all essential oils known for their calming effects. You can add these to a diffuser or put them in a spritz bottle and spray them on your bed linens. You can also make a relaxing scented bath tea with these essential oils.

Try pairing your favorite calming essential oil with a natural aromatherapy product like doTERRA Lavender Peace to enjoy a restful night’s sleep. You can also find a variety of scented candles and scented body lotions that are specially formulated for sleep. Alternatively, you can mix your own relaxing aromatherapy products at home. You could even tuck a few drops of your favorite oil in your pillowcase to help you fall asleep faster.

Relieves Insomnia

If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, essential oils can be a great way to improve your rest. Certain oils, such as Roman Chamomile and Sweet Marjoram, are considered sedatives that can help you relax and sleep better.

When inhaled, the molecules from the essential oils attach to the olfactory receptors in your nose and send signals to parts of your brain responsible for emotional and behavioral responses. This causes them to release neurotransmitters that may produce calming or sleep-promoting effects.

For a quick and easy remedy, add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser or an atomizer before bedtime. Alternatively, you can combine essential oil and water in a spray bottle to create a calming mist that you can spritz on your pillow or bed linens before bedtime. For the best results, try keeping a sleep journal to track how well you’re sleeping with your new bedtime ritual. This will help you determine what scents work best for you.

Boosts Energy

The scents of certain essential oils can help energize your mood and energy levels. Citrus oils like lemon can be a great way to start the day, and also have some serious health benefits (think: it’s an anti-inflammatory, an antidepressant, and more). Sweet orange oil is another powerhouse that will boost your mood and boost energy. Try adding it to a natural room spray or mixing it with water in a diffuser for an energizing, uplifting morning pick-me-up.

Lastly, eucalyptus oil is known to reduce fatigue and increase alertness. Using this oil can help with concentration and focus, as well as alleviate debilitating stress.

While incorporating essential oils into your sleep routine can help re-energize and re-balance your body, it’s still important to make sure you’re getting enough quality rest. If you’re struggling with fatigue, see your doctor or aromatherapist to rule out underlying issues that could be contributing to it. Having regular acupuncture treatments can be an effective treatment for chronic fatigue as well.

Reduces Stress

One of the best ways to promote relaxation and get a better night’s sleep is to use essential oils. Lavender, chamomile and ylang-ylang are all popular choices for calming and can be used in an oil diffuser or added to a bath. These oils help to calm the nervous system and reduce stress, anxiety, irritability and fatigue.

Other oils, such as helichrysum and peppermint, help to boost energy levels and focus the mind. These are good for when you need to think critically and creatively, but can also help relieve headaches and muscular aches.

It’s important to remember that essential oils cannot treat underlying conditions such as anxiety or depression, but they can be a great way to quell a worried mind and improve your sleep quality. Check out the options available and make a conscious effort to incorporate them into your daily routine before bedtime. You’ll be surprised at the difference they can make.

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