How to Protect Your Home From Burglaries and Break-Ins

No matter the age or experience level of homeowners, taking precautions against burglaries is of utmost importance. Here are a few useful tips that will help safeguard your home.

Burglaries usually occur when an intruder sneaks into a home undetected and takes valuables without detection, however if you observe suspicious behavior around you it’s wise to call the authorities immediately.

Door & Window Locks

Locking doors and windows is one of the simplest and most effective ways to secure your home against burglaries. Burglars look for easy targets, and an unlocked or not secured window makes it simpler for them to gain entry.

One third of all break-ins occur via open windows or doors.

Your home security could be jeopardized even with solid core doors and upgrades installed, if a criminal can easily break through glass or reach latches on windows to gain entry into your home.

There are various window locks that you can purchase to protect your windows and deter burglars. When selecting one for yourself or another person to open and close windows, be sure to consider your particular windows type as well as who will be opening and closing them most often. Ultimately, choose one that meets all of your needs for optimal window security.


Homeowners tend to prioritize locking their front doors and window shutters, but landscaping plays a critical role in safeguarding against burglaries and break-ins. Landscaping is a central component of Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED), providing natural surveillance as well as territorial reinforcement through fencing, access control and hardening your target hardening efforts.

Intruders often hide from view by hiding behind overgrown vegetation such as shrubs and trees. To stop intruders from hiding behind this foliage, maintain a well-kept yard by trimming shrubs and trees regularly so criminals do not have a safe haven from which they can hide.

If you own a second-story residence, consider pruning tree limbs so they cannot be used as ladders to reach upper windows. Also place trellises where they cannot be scaled.

Outdoor lighting such as motion-sensor lights that turn on when they sense movement can help make your home appear occupied even while you’re not home. Installing lights at both your front and back doors serves as a strong deterrent against intruders.

CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras can provide your home with crucial security from burglaries and break-ins. With real-time viewing from any location worldwide, as well as alert notifications when movement is detected, these systems offer you peace of mind in protecting against intruders.

Modern cameras often include cloud storage for footage access from any internet-enabled device – an invaluable feature which ensures you never lose crucial evidence should an attempted theft take place on your property.

These cameras are also easy to monitor and use, with many offering the ability to connect directly with smartphones or tablets so you can monitor them whenever necessary.

CCTV cameras can serve as a powerful deterrent against criminals by making it more difficult for intruders to identify those they’re targeting, particularly if someone is searching for an easier entryway – having an obvious camera system or alarm can make it appear harder for them to gain entry to your property.

Alarm System

One of the best ways to safeguard your home against burglaries and break-ins is installing an alarm system – either as a DIY project or professionally monitored system.

Security systems often involve several components, including motion sensors, control panels, and alarm systems that alert homeowners when an intrusion is detected as well as notifying authorities if necessary. All of these work together to notify a homeowner and potentially notify law enforcement of an intrusion attempt or potential intruder presence in their home.

Some alarm systems allow voice verification. This feature enables owners to speak directly with an agent at a central station and determine what their next steps should be.

This can be useful in medical emergencies or to prompt police officers to arrest an intruder.

Broadband signaling for alarm reporting has quickly become the preferred solution, saving money and time over traditional phone service.